
Hemorrhoids or piles refer to swollen veins in and around the anus and in the lower rectum. Piles can be classified into: Internal piles and External piles. Internal piles as the name suggests evolve inside the rectum and are not visible from the inside. On the other hand, external piles develop on the outside of the anal opening and are quite visible.


What is Hemorrhoidectomy?

Hemorrhoidectomy or piles surgery is a surgical procedure conducted by healthcare experts to remove hemorrhoids. Surgery is important to treat hemorrhoids since it can cause several bothersome symptoms like itching, pain, bleeding, and lumps around the anus.

Lifestyle modification ways like avoiding straining during bowel movements and some non-surgical ways like rubber band ligation can also help relieve piles symptoms. However, surgery is important if you are bleeding a lot, experiencing intense pain, or have hemorrhoids that have become hard.

What are the Types of Hemorrhoidectomy?

There are various types of hemorrhoidectomy. However, the 3 main types of surgery include the following:

  • Open hemorrhoidectomy: Open hemorrhoidectomy is the same as the closed procedure wherein the hemorrhoidal tissue is cut off in the same manner. However, in the open procedure, the incision is kept open. This surgery is preferred in cases where wound closure is difficult or there is a risk of postoperative infection.
  • Closed hemorrhoidectomy: This type of hemorrhoidectomy is mainly used for internal hemorrhoids. In this procedure, hemorrhoidal bundles are excised using a scalpel, scissor, or laser. Once the excision is completed, the wound is closed using an absorbable suture.
  • Stapled hemorrhoidectomy: Internal hemorrhoids can be further characterized into Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade 4. Grade 3 and grade 4 piles are severe in nature and are considered advanced-stage piles. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is mainly used to treat patients who have advanced-stage piles. In this procedure, a circular stapling device is utilized to cut off the excess hemorrhoidal tissue, and the remaining tissues are put back to their normal position.

What Happens During a Hemorrhoidectomy?

The procedure for hemorrhoidectomy begins by giving the patient anesthesia ( general or regional anesthesia). Once the anesthesia is administered, the surgeon will create incisions around the hemorrhoids and excise the hemorrhoidal bundle using a scalpel, scissor, or even a laser.

Once the excision is completed, the surgeon will then close the incisions using an absorbable suture (closed hemorrhoidectomy) or leave them open (open hemorrhoidectomy). The surgeon may also use other techniques for removing the hemorrhoidal tissues like stapling or cauterization.

After the completion of the procedure, the patient is monitored until the anesthesia wears off. Patients are also advised post-operative tips to follow, like keeping the surgical site clean and dry, taking prescriptions as advised, and avoiding strenuous activities like heavy lifting, swimming, contact sports, etc.

What are the Advantages of Hemorrhoidectomy?

Some of the advantages of hemorrhoidectomy include:

  • Highly effective in treating advanced-stage piles ( Grade 3 and Grade 4)
  • Provides relief from symptoms like pain and discomfort around the anus, mucus in the underwear, lumps in the anal region, red blood after poop, etc
  • Prevents complications like thrombosis (formation of blood clots within blood vessels), strangulation (loss of blood flow to the hemorrhoidal tissue), or prolapse ( hemorrhoids that protrude outside the anus).
  • Reduces the chances of anal fissures ( a small tear inside the lining of the anus)
  • Enhances quality of life by easing symptoms and upgrading the patient's well-being

How to Prepare for Hemorrhoidectomy?

Here are some effective steps to follow before your procedure:

  • Your healthcare provider may ask you to follow certain instructions before the procedure. These may include following a particular diet for a few days, using a laxative to clear the intestinal blockage, or avoiding eating or drinking anything a day before the surgery. Make sure you follow the instructions diligently.
  • Ensure that you are aware of the procedure and complications, if any. Don't hesitate to ask questions to your healthcare provider regarding your surgery.
  • Depending on the severity of your condition and medical history, your doctor may conduct certain tests like digital rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. Prepare your mind for all the preoperative diagnostic tests.
  • Keep the surgical area clean before the procedure. This can be achieved by taking a bath before coming to the hospital.
  • Abstain from smoking or drinking alcohol for at least a week before hemorrhoidectomy.

What are the Recovery Tips to Follow After Hemorrhoidectomy?

The journey of recovery after hemorrhoidectomy can vary from person to person. However, here are some common tips to follow to enhance your recovery period:

  • Take complete rest for at least a day after surgery. Post that, you can resume normal activities like walking.
  • Avoid activities like heavy lifting, swimming, jogging, and cycling for at least 5 to 7 days.
  • Your doctor will prescribe medicines to manage pain and discomfort. Take the medicines as directed and inform the doctor if the pain gets unmanageable.
  • Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
  • Take a sitz bath several times a day to calm the surgical site and enhance healing. A sitz bath is a shallow warm water bath done to ease pain and itching after surgery.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your overall health.
  • Avoid foods that can cause constipation. These include dairy products ( milk, butter, custard), red meat, processed foods ( pizza, canned soups, sausages), and sugar products (pies and pastries, doughnuts)

It is generally suggested to consult your healthcare provider after a few weeks of surgery or sooner if he/she recommends it. However, you should immediately consult your doctor if you experience unexpected symptoms, like fever, excessive pain and bleeding, difficulty peeing or pooping, etc.

Hemorrhoids don't usually grow back after hemorrhoidectomy. However, it is essential to manage your bowel habits after surgery to avoid excess straining and constipation. Straining and constipation can lead to the recurrence of piles as these apply pressure on the surgical area and the tissues surrounding the anal region.

Laser surgery for piles or laser hemorrhoidectomy is an advanced procedure that uses a focused beam of light to treat hemorrhoids. It is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces pain and shortens the recovery duration than conventional techniques.

Complications after a hemorrhoidectomy are very rare. However, like any surgical procedure, there can be certain potential complications like infection, urinary retention, and bleeding. The patient needs to follow postoperative care guidelines as provided by his/her healthcare provider to help minimize the risk of complications.

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